大植 裕Yutaka Oue

染職人 - Web:幾重染 大植染工
- まちを染める灯り
「長年培われてきた伝統工芸である染めの技術を筆や刷毛を駆使し、作品として皆様へ届ける。」が作品制作のコンセプト。友禅の修行をし、独立後、オリジナルの技法である「幾重染」を編み出す。 色を重ねる事により、数知れぬ色が何とも言えない奥行きのある色彩に変化します。コントロールが難しいこの変化をコントロールし、技法として昇華し、幾重染めと名付けられました。 染める手間を惜しまず、日々精進を重ね、自分自身が納得出来る作品作りを心がけておられます。
- english bellow
The concept behind the work is “to deliver to everyone as a work of art by making full use of the traditional dyeing techniques that have been cultivated over many years, using brushes and brushes. This is the concept behind his work. After training in Yuzen and becoming independent, he developed his original technique of “Ippodo Dyeing”. By layering colors, countless colors change into colors with indescribable depth. He sublimated this difficult-to-control change as a technique and named it “Ippai Dyeing. He spares no pains in dyeing, and he strives to create works that he himself is satisfied with.
- コーディネーターより中川 直幸 Naoyuki Nakagawa
本展示は大植裕という、染色業界で特異な技術を持つ職人が生み出した「幾重染」の作品ではなく、「ぼかし染め」という、脈々と受け継がれた伝統の技法で作られました。それは、コーディネーターである私が、お願いしたからでした。 「幾重染」は緻密で細かな描写が可能で、着物として見た時に、これまでに見たことがないような表現で目を奪います。ただ、今回は着物のように、間近で見られる作品ではなく、4m離れた場所に浮かんでいる作品です。そのことを考えるとダイナミックな色使いが必要だと感じ、大植さんの染めの原点となる技法で、大きく柄を作ることを提案しました。 ただ普通の「ぼかし染」ではなく、仕上げに、和紙のような温もりを感じる意匠にしております。提灯のように鑑賞いただけると幸いです。
This exhibition was not created by “Ippon Dyeing,” a technique created by Yutaka Oue, a craftsman with unique skills in the dyeing industry, but by “Bokashi Dyeing,” a traditional technique that has been handed down from generation to generation. This was because I, as the coordinator, had asked for it. “Ippon Dyeing” is capable of precise and detailed depiction, and when seen as a kimono, it is an eye-catching expression like nothing you have ever seen before. However, this time, like the kimono, it is not a work that can be seen up close, but rather a work that floats 4 meters away from the viewer. Considering this, I felt it necessary to use dynamic colors, so I suggested creating a large pattern using a technique that is the starting point of Oue's dyeing. The finish is not just ordinary “bokashi-dyeing,” but a design that gives a sense of warmth, like Japanese paper. We hope you will appreciate it like a lantern.
- 経歴
大植 裕 Yutaka Oue
京都府京都市 1973年から染色工房にて修業し、1976年に独立。
それから現在まで新しい表現方法を模索し続ける。Yutaka Oue
Dyeing Artisan
Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture He began his apprenticeship at a dyeing studio in 1973 and became independent in 1976.
From the teachings of his mentor as an artist he met after becoming independent He pursued a technique of expression only he can do.
In 2000, he presented his first “Ippai Dyeing” (layered dyeing) work.
Since then, he has continued to search for new methods of expression.